Web Apps
Full Stack Development in JavaScript and Python
As a digital designer and educational media specialist, coding was outside the core of my professional practice but an occassional necessity nonetheless. I first learned JavaScript on an as-needed basis, then studied in focused academic settings starting in 2014, including a coding bootcamp through Northwestern University in 2017, and the Master of Information Systems degree program ending in 2022.
Starting with the bootcamp, I learned full stack web development with both JavaScript and Python stacks: specifically MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js (MERN) and Flask with MongoDB. The MS degree program expanded my skillset, adding database design, SQL, data engineering with Python, devops, and ML/AI integration on Google Cloud.
Below are two recent coding samples using vanilla JavaScript. Recent samples using Python are here and here.
Professional JavaScript
Idea Bank: Make a Deposit
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This app collects ideas in a form, parses text input, and stores the ideas in JSON. The use case: internal brainstorming related to organizational initiatives.
The project is an adaptation of an academic project by ByteGrad.com.
Form designed for usability and accurate data collection
Form feedback in real time and after submission
Text manipulation using JavaScript string methods
API communications with Fetch
Data storage with JSON
Interactive list with upvoting
Filterable list using hashtags provided by form inputs
Block, element, modifier (BEM) methodology
Job Finder
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This app enables users to search for jobs, manipulate the list of results with sorting, and use bookmarking to save jobs in local storage.
The project is an adaptation of an academic project by ByteGrad.com.
Search with API communications using async/await and Fetch
Global state to control data updates and elements of the UI
Local storage of bookmarked jobs
Component rendering with HTML templates and data injection
Custom error handling with try/catch
Routing to recognize and respond to job-specific http requests
Modularized codebase using ES Modules
Block, element, modifier (BEM) methodology